International projects engineering & services

As an engineering service provider, INP Schweiz supports leading companies in the power generation and transmission industry, from design to basic engineering, from commissioning to testing.

We offer smart
En­gin­eer­ing Ser­vices. 

Our cus­tom­ers have di­verse and in­dustry-spe­cif­ic re­quire­ments. We ap­proach these needs with a keen eye for tech­nic­al de­tail and a wealth of com­pre­hens­ive ex­pert­ise, con­sist­ently draw­ing from our ex­tens­ive ex­per­i­ence. Dis­cov­er here the in­dus­tries we serve and the cus­tom­ised solu­tions we have de­veloped to provide added value to cus­tom­ers.