Ex­pert­ise in elec­tric­al and
mech­an­ic­al com­mis­sion­ing of
in­dus­tri­al and heavy-duty power
gen­er­a­tion equip­ment
We have the know-how.

Our com­pre­hens­ive tech­nic­al know-how in elec­tric­al com­mis­sion­ing of all power gen­er­a­tion re­lated sys­tems, from LV/MV/DC com­pon­ents to gen­er­at­or/trans­former/unit pro­tec­tion, SFC/SEE equip­ment, GCB's, trans­formers, and in mech­an­ic­al com­mis­sion­ing of WSC/BoP/HRSG and steam tur­bines, as well as our world­wide sup­port with site and com­mis­sion­ing man­age­ment makes us your part­ner for power gen­er­a­tion and com­pens­a­tion pro­jects.

We provide sup­port from concept de­vel­op­ment to com­mis­sion­ing and ser­vice with tech­nic­al ex­pert­ise and a team of over 100 en­gin­eers.


  • Electrical Commissioning
  • Mechanical Commissioning
  • Site and Commissioning Management
  • Installation Supervision
  • Training
  • Service 
  • Engineering