From Gen­er­a­tion through
Dis­tri­bu­tion to in­dus­tri­al
- we test, troubleshoot
and ser­vice primary equip­ment.

Our en­gin­eers carry out break­er tim­ing tests, con­tact res­ist­ance meas­ure­ments and CT ana­lys­is. We offer in­su­la­tion tests on gen­er­at­ors, trans­formers and switchgears and carry out full elec­tric­al peri­od­ic­al test­ing on such equip­ment. We also do dis­charge tests on bat­tery sys­tems to eval­u­ate their cur­rent status or primary pro­tec­tion tests on gen­er­at­or pro­tec­tion sys­tems.