From Gen­er­a­tion through
Dis­tri­bu­tion to In­dus­tri­al
- we test, troubleshoot
and ser­vice sec­ond­ary equip­ment.

We carry out peri­od­ic­al test­ing of pro­tec­tion devices to veri­fy the cor­rect set­tings and the func­tion­al­ity. Our ex­per­i­enced en­gin­eers have ex­pert know­ledge on pro­tec­tion devices of all renown man­u­fac­turer. We offer a tail­or­made solu­tion, bring mod­ern test equip­ment from Omic­ron and Meg­ger and take over test schedul­ing and doc­u­ment­a­tion. We sup­port you with not only test­ing of the pro­tec­tion sys­tems, but also with vari­ous sec­ond­ary equip­ment such as syn­chron­isa­tion re­lays, trans­ducers, voltage con­trol­lers, basic PLCs and feed­er con­trol­lers.