Why INP?
Loyal & gen­er­ous – 
This is how em­ploy­ees de­scribe
INP Sch­weiz as an em­ploy­er.

We con­sider our em­ploy­ees to be our most valu­able asset, and this is more than just a cliche to us. That is why we offer a wide range of be­ne­fits. These cover be­ne­fits to the team as a whole and for each in­di­vidu­al em­ploy­ee - be it just for fun or to treat your­self to some­thing spe­cial every now and then. There is some­thing for every­one. 

Dis­cov­er some of the many perks that await you as part of our team!

  • Top projects from renowned customers

    Exciting projects from renowned clients in Switzerland and abroad require your skills, knowledge and experience.

  • Working together with other professionals

    Collaboration with interesting people who will help you grow professionally and personally.

  • Foreign cultures broaden your horizons

    You will travel throughout Switzerland and abroad, immerse yourself in foreign cultures and gain a lot of experience, which will also promote your personal growth.

  • Taking time out between projects

    In between projects, you can take some time off and pursue your personal dreams.

  • Sustainable company growth

    Over the last 20 years, we have grown from a handful of visionaries to several dozen professionals.

  • A family spirit which connects

    We have kept our family spirit and look after each other.

  • The perfect size for the company

    With 100 employees, we are the perfect size for collaborative thinking and communicating, allowing us to shape and grow together.

  • Experience unique team spirit

    Our team spirit is at an all-time high. We choose our management carefully, uphold our values and encourage the special bond within our team with events like the ski weekend.

  • Attractive advantages with fringe benefits

    Permanent employees benefit from various advantages such as variable pension fund models and benefits for almost 2000 Swiss francs.

  • We love, live and support continuing education

    Many further training opportunities are available to you: We generously co-finance internal training sessions as well as external training seminars.